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FAQ: Where I can find all the cards?


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Hi all,

 This is a widespread question I receive and read everywhere, and this is a question that "kinda'" does not make sense when you understand the engineering and architecture of the Ketaros Framework, as today, June 12th, 2023, about the cards there are:

- 373 spots with a 100% chance of finding a Card.
- 93 spots with a 75% chance of finding a Card.
- 72  spots with a 50% chance of finding a Card.
- 91 spots with a 25% chance of finding a Card.
- 141 spots with a 10% chance of finding a Card.
- 5% chance of finding looting  Bosses and Safes.

 So, although it would be possible for me to document where are all the 770 card spots in the whole region, this would be a gigantic work that I can do, but I opt to, instead of detailing this, keep evolving and improving mods.

 On the other side, I also believe that revealing the locations defeats the purpose of treasure hunting. 🙂
 But I support players sharing among themselves; please do, feel free to use this community for it. 🙂
Good luck and good hunting,


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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree that the best part of your collection mods is the hunting for all the stuff.

One thing I think would be cool but not sure how much work it would be is if you could by card packs from vendors and get a blind pack of 5  or so random cards.

Sort of like buying baseball card or MTG packs.

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  • 1 year later...

While I understand the point, I would suggest that it might be a very good idea to list where one or two cards spawn near the starting area so that people who are having trouble finding them can verify that they are actually appearing in the game world. Otherwise it's impossible to tell if there's a problem with the cards spawning or you just haven't been able to find any.

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